

Types Of Dentures We Offer:

1. Complete dentures: These are used when all of a person's teeth are missing, and they are designed to replace the entire set of upper or lower teeth.

2. Partial dentures: These are used when some natural teeth remain in the mouth. Partial dentures are designed to fit around the remaining teeth and may be removable or fixed.

3. Implant-supported dentures: These are dentures that are anchored in place by dental implants, which are surgically placed into the jawbone.

4. Immediate dentures: These are dentures that are placed immediately after teeth extraction, so the patient doesn't have to go without teeth during the healing period.

Denture Expectations

Denture wearers may have various expectations depending on their individual needs and goals. However, some common expectations may include functional benefits such as improved chewing ability, speech, and comfort, as well as aesthetic benefits like a natural-looking smile and enhanced self-esteem. They may also expect their dentures to be durable, easy to clean, and long-lasting. Ultimately, denture wearers may hope to regain their confidence and enjoy a better quality of life with the help of their dentures.

Dentures can be a good option for people who have lost some or all of their natural teeth. A dentist may recommend dentures if a patient has:

  1. Lost most or all of their teeth due to decay, injury, or other issues.
  2. Difficulty speaking or eating due to missing teeth.
  3. Jawbone deterioration that makes it difficult to wear other types of dental prosthetics.
  4. A desire to improve the appearance of their smile.

However, not everyone is a good candidate for dentures. A dentist will evaluate a patient's oral health and condition to determine whether dentures are the best option for them or if other treatments, such as dental implants or bridges, may be more appropriate.

The durability of dentures can vary depending on the type of denture, the material it is made of, and how well it is cared for. Generally, well-made dentures can last anywhere from 5 to 10 years, but it's important to have them checked regularly by a dentist to ensure they are still fitting properly and in good condition. Proper cleaning and maintenance can also help extend the lifespan of dentures

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